Proud to be a member of the Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Art & Design

1. Rationale

At Kirton Academy School we highly value the creative arts and the opportunities and career prospects it opens to our students. Our teachers are passionate about their subject specialisms and it is our ambition to pass on this enthusiasm to our students. In KS3 Art, Design and Technology (ADT) are taught via rotation throughout years 7, 8 and 9. Students have 2 hours of ADT a week in the areas of Art, Art Textiles, Food Technology and Resistant Materials. Each separate subject area is broken down into sequenced programs of study designed to prepare students for later life. The lessons are structured to give the students the best preparation to go on to study the optional subjects GCSE Art, GCSE Art Textiles, GCSE Design and Technology and Hospitality and Catering Level 1 or Level 2.

Students work practically in a wide range of materials and mediums to expose them to new experiences and concepts. In Art, we focus on developing students understanding of how other artists and designers work expressing ideas and emotions, using other people's work as a springboard to inspire their ideas. Students work in mediums such as paint, ink, clay, and textiles, with projects increasing in complexity through years 7, 8 &9. In Resistant Materials students work in a wide range of materials including plastics and wood, employing both hand tools, larger machinery and computer aided design. Students work through a design process from idea conception to product development, with an increasing focus on the environmental impact of materials and technology. In Food Technology students learn about how different food groups are needed by the body, how we consume and enjoy foods from around the world as well as the different food choices people can and have to make. Alongside this they learn increasingly complex food preparation skills enabling them to grow in confidence and be more independent in their own self-care.

Through all our subject areas we aim to give students an insight into the career routes they could take and the wide range of industries they could aspire to work in.

2. Aims

2.1 Art and Textiles

  • Opportunities
  • Rural neighborhoods tend to have a strong community identity and this is evident in Kirton in Lindsey and its surrounding catchment area. There is an increased sense of pride in the school and this will be further built upon by an increased connection with the local community. We aim for local communities to regard the school as a place where students can realize their ambitions and learn skills to prepare them for employment. As a faculty we aim to be involved in more community projects and events. We are also aiming to create a strong connection with local feeder primary schools who use the schools Art, Design and Technology facilities.
  • Local Universities such as Lincoln and Hull have seen great successes and led to huge developments and investments in both cities. There has also been the recent arrival of University Campus North Lincolnshire opening up local higher education paths to students. We aim to build partnerships with higher education providers and expose students to a range of careers paths and opportunities.
  • The Humber bank connected to 25% of the UK’s energy generation has a major role to play in reaching net zero and big economic opportunities around decarbonisation. Significant levels of investment in the area are anticipated over the coming years making the Humber a major hub for renewables in the UK. Northern Lincolnshire is uniquely positioned to be at the centre of growth in offshore wind and green energy. Our aim is to build partnerships with local employers and ensure our students are prepared with the skills and expertise employers are looking for.

2.2 Resistant Materials

  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes
  • use research and exploration, such as the study of different cultures, to identify and understand user needs
  • identify and solve their own design problems and understand how to reformulate problems given to them
  • develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, detailed plans, 3-D and mathematical modelling, oral and digital presentations and computer-based tools
  • select from and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely, including computer-aided manufacture
  • investigate new and emerging technologies

2.3 Food

  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health
  • cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet
  • become competent in a range of cooking techniques [for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes]
  • demonstrate an awareness of the dietary needs and choices of different groups such as religious needs, medical needs, health, ethical and moral choices
  • understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients.
  • have an understanding about sustainability and environmental impact of our food choices

3. The rationale for Sequencing (Scope and Rigour)

When students come to secondary school their experience of Art, Design and Technology at primary school varies vastly and is most often underdeveloped. As students begin in Y7 they are introduced to basic equipment, materials and processes to ensure they have solid foundations for the rest of KS3. By Year 8 and 9 students are able to undertake more complex projects, using an increasingly complex range of tools and equipment. Projects allow for more independent choices and students are encouraged to take creative risks with their choices. Throughout KS3 students increasingly are made aware of how their learning leads into KS4 choices.

3.1 Why?

Students often are ill exposed to career progression and opportunities within the Arts, Design and Technology (including food related careers). Students’ understanding of the opportunities they can aspire to helps underpin their intrinsic motivation. Students who are aware of progression routes tend to be more invested in their own learning.

Frequently literacy, numeracy and science are linked into our lessons, to encourage deeper understanding and application of core principles of learning. By incorporating historical, geographical and cultural subject matter, students can make connections between disciplines, fostering critical thinking and allowing students to draw deeper connections within their learning.

4. Research informing the Sequencing decisions.

Both Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and Cognitive Load Theory have informed our curriculum sequencing and implementation. Both recognise the importance of memory in building schemas required to develop mastery and retention. Our schemes of work are sequenced so that students revisit skills and build upon prior learning over time, chunking more complex concepts into smaller parts. By limiting the amount of new information students are exposed to at one time, we can check understanding before moving the learning on. A scaffolded approach, combined with modelling and step by step success criteria means students are exposed to new skills and concepts gradually, building strong foundations and links across texts and skills.

5. Broader Themes: Informed by the Director of Public Health report 2022 for Lincolnshire

Our students come from a wide catchment area which includes a combination of urban industrial towns (Gainsborough) to rural villages and market towns, which means there are a variety of challenges and opportunities.


Of those that live in the industrial towns, the heavy industrial base influences the local culture, the types of employment available and the skills needed to take up those jobs. Gainsborough faces deep seated socio-economic challenges following rapid de-industrialisation. There are pockets of strong employment growth, but there are also higher levels of economic inactivity, low social mobility and low aspirations.

Many of our students are from rural and market town communities which although they have lower levels of deprivation, both transport and digital connectivity is poorer which can affect students' ability to work from home and travel for enrichment sessions. This can impact on social isolation and limit access to employment and further education.


Rural neighborhoods tend to have a strong community identity and this is evident in Kirton in Lindsey and its surrounding catchment area. There is an increased sense of pride in the school and this will be further built upon by an increased connection with the local community. We aim for local communities to regard the school as a place where students can realize their ambitions and learn skills to prepare them for employment. As a faculty we aim to be involved in more community projects and events. We are also aiming to create a strong connection with local feeder primary schools who use the schools Art, Design and Technology facilities.

Local Universities such as Lincoln and Hull have seen great successes and led to huge developments and investments in both cities. There has also been the recent arrival of University Campus North Lincolnshire opening up local higher education paths to students. We aim to build partnerships with higher education providers and expose students to a range of careers paths and opportunities.

The Humber bank connected to 25% of the UK’s energy generation has a major role to play in reaching net zero and big economic opportunities around decarbonisation. Significant levels of investment in the area are anticipated over the coming years making the Humber a major hub for renewables in the UK. Northern Lincolnshire is uniquely positioned to be at the centre of growth in offshore wind and green energy. Our aim is to build partnerships with local employers and ensure our students are prepared with the skills and expertise employers are looking for.

Download - 5 Year Learning Journey Art 23-24