Proud to be a member of the Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust


Key Contacts

SENDCo: Mrs S Palin
SENDCo: Mrs T Collier-Murphy

During the transition period we work with our Primary Schools to gain an understanding into the needs of students who will be attending our school in September of Year7. Additional transition can be arranged for children who may benefit from extra visits or meeting key staff.

There is a support system in operation which allows staff to work with identified pupils or groups. A well-equipped resource base also provides additional teaching material, equipment and expertise for any pupils who may at any time experience difficulties in learning.

During social times there are designated areas available for all year groups for students who may feel vulnerable during unstructured times. These rooms are staffed by members of the SEN team.

We also have an additional provision, our Indigo group, which is for a small group of children, identified by the school in discussion with parents and primary schools. The provision will exist for KS3 students with a goal that by KS4 all students are ready to undertake a range of GCSE’s. This is a high-quality provision to meet the needs of children with Additional Needs. All students will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum taught by teachers who are specialised in catering for children with special educational needs. The curriculum will mirror that of their peers but will be enhanced by a focus on individual barriers to learning.

In KS4 we consider courses very carefully to ensure that students take the options that are most suited to them.

The name of the Trustee designated to have oversight of this aspect of the school’s SEND work is:
Mr E Gibbs.

Right to choose - referral for diagnosis through the GP

Right to choose (NHS England)