Careers Lead: Mrs E Green
Careers Admin: Miss P Davidson
Careers Education is provided through:
Subject Lessons – Information and discussions in with a subject specific focus to help you make decisions about careers based on subject knowledge and transferable skills.
Form, Assemblies & Life Lessons – Discussions and resources about the local market information, growth job sectors, Post 16 and Post 18 options.
Step Up Days – Events such as employability days, virtual work experience.
Information, Advice & Guidance is provided through:
Careers Cafes & Careers Fairs – Employers, Colleges and Universities will visit the school on a regular basic to talk to you about their industry and how to train and qualify for role in that sector.
Careers Tile on Teams– Students have access to an online careers tile on MS Teams which keeps them updated with careers related information, activities and events.
Results Service – a team of advisers will be able to talk through you needs on results day to help you confirm your intended destination.
Qualified 1-2-1 Guidance – You also have access to a qualified careers advisor, who will provide confidential and impartial advice to students on the information they have received or to help guide students to make fully informed decisions.
Planning for the future – if you have a career idea but want to find out the best route for you or if you have no career ideas our advisers can help you create career ideas around your interests and skills.
GCSE & A Level Options – Choosing your options and what would best suit you.
Apprenticeships – Finding work or an apprenticeship, including job hunting techniques including mock interviews
Higher Education – Reviewing the options and planning the 14-19 journey
Technology – Information and updates will also be available on notice boards, Careers tiles on teams, social media and our website.
Unifrog– Online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. Each pupil has a log on to access careers information and guidance, to build their own
profile and explore job roles and employers. Their log on is valid up until they are 18 so can be transferred to college.
Bursary and Financial Support - Child Benefit
Your Child Benefit stops on 31 August on or after your child's 16th birthday if they leave education or training. It continues if they stay in approved education or training, but you must tell the Child Benefit Office. More information here
Mrs Green – Careers Lead & Miss Davidson, Careers Admin
You should now have been added to the 'Yr 11 Careers @ Kirton' tile on MS Teams. To access, log in to teams using your school email. Here you can find notices and up to date information about colleges, apprenticeships, Post 16 and Post 18 options. If you need any careers advise, please head to M7 to speak to Miss Davidson or come and find me, Mrs Green in the old careers room and we shall be happy to support you. Keep an eye out for notices about running sessions to support you with Y11 college and apprenticeship applications. I shall post more information about this soon.
Our careers programme 22-23
Kirton retains Quality in Careers Standard 22-23
My Choices – Parent and Carer Guide