24 February 2025
Dear Parent
I am writing to inform you of an opportunity to join our Local Governing Body as a Parent Governor. There is one vacancy.
The role of the Local Governing Body
The Academy's Local Governing Body is a committee of our Trust Board and its role is to uphold Lincolnshire Gateway's vision, values, policies and priorities, to provide oversight and assurance for the Academy's educational performance and to develop and strengthen the Academy's links with the local community. Each local governor is expected to challenge, question and support the Academy's leadership. The Local Governing Body is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.
The role of a parent governor
As a parent governor, you will work with the Local Governing Body to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You will also play a vital role in bringing a parental perspective to the Local Governing Body, but you are not there to speak ‘on behalf' of the parent body.
To be a parent governor you should have:
Expectations of governors
Local governors are expected to attend regular meetings (usually between 3 and 6 per academic year), be committed to training, be keen to take on a Link Governor role, eg SEND/safeguarding, etc.
The term of office is for a 4-year term. New governors must undertake to complete a full DBS check before commencement of their term.
How to apply
Parents who wish to apply please complete the electronic nomination form via this link: https://forms.office.com/e/kV5eX0WJgr by no later than 9:00am on Monday 3 March 2025. The QR code overleaf can also be used to access the electronic nomination form. Alternatively, a paper copy of the form can be collected from the Academy Reception office.
For further information on becoming a governor please visit: https://lincolnshiregateway.co.uk/lincolnshiregateway/media/files/governor-handbook.pdf.
If we receive more nominations than vacancies, a secret ballot will be carried out. I will inform you closer to the time if we have to do this.
Yours faithfully
Miss K Revell
Governance Professional
Qualifications and Disqualifications to serve as a Parent Governor
A person must be aged 18 or over at the date of their election or appointment. No current pupil of the academies in the Trust shall be a governor. A ‘parent’ for the purpose of the election is a person with ‘parental responsibility’ as defined by the Children Act 1989.
A person shall be disqualified from holding office or continuing to hold office as parent governor if: